About Elevated Health
Direct Primary Care
We believe that the best primary care medicine is both personal and affordable, and that’s what we offer. As a Direct Primary Care provider, we focus on you and your health without the unnecessary intrusion of insurance companies. Primary care is all we do, so let us restore your faith in health care. Experience a patient relationship based on trust and respect; the type of relationship every patient deserves.
Because we offer unlimited e-mail and text access to the doctors, we can take patients from just about anywhere, we have patients from as as far as Las Vegas and even Afghanistan.
Direct Primary Care in Orange Country, CA
Trademark for Elevated Health
Whenever the mark is being used, particularly when used on labels or other printed material applied to goods if the mark is used for goods, or in advertising if the mark is used for services, the symbol , or the words “Registered in the U.S. Patent Office”, or “Reg. U.S. Pat. Off.” should be displayed adjacent to the trademark to prevent any dilution of your rights to the mark.